
Publicaciones de Paya Frank en Amazon



La Nostalgia del Pasado




12 de abril de 2017

Paya Frank Literatura Medieval Gallego Portuguesa

                        Literatura Medieval Gallego Portuguesa

11 de abril de 2017

Iconoclasta .- Mazagine monografico sobre Semana Santa

Iconoclasta    Abril 2017



10 de abril de 2017

Publicaciones de epub gratis en Ingles

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 09:15 AM PDT
In the kitchen, in a tux—and out of it—he’s got the skills to crank up the heat. Ebony Nights, Book 1 When Aisha Anderson hires a professional escort for her company’s gala, it’s not because she can’t get a date. Her fast-track career at Hansen Advertising doesn’t give her the time—and it’s the only way to avoid dancing with her creepy, inappropriate co-worker. To her delight, Greg Williams plays the role of charming, attentive gentleman so well, she could almost.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:56 AM PDT
Criada para ser un espíritu libre a bordo del majestuoso barco de su padre, la tenaz Nicole Lassiter jamás se ha topado con un obstáculo que no pudiera superar… hasta que conoce al capitán Derek Sutherland. Sus ardientes besos la dejan anhelante, pero tras compartir una noche de pasión, el consiguiente desdén de él le hace hervir la sangre y Nicole jura vengarse… ayudando a su padre a derrotar a Sutherland en una competición en la que median importantes apuestas:.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:55 AM PDT
El capitán Grant Sutherland se ha comprometido a llevar a Victoria Dearbourne de vuelta a Gran Bretaña. La joven, que vive en una isla de Oceanía desde su infancia, tiene un espíritu libre, una personalidad indómita… y ninguna intención de dejar su hogar. Además, los modales de aquel frío inglés que pretende hacerla regresar contra su voluntad no contribuyen a que añore Inglaterra. Sin embargo, su instinto femenino le dice que tras la frialdad del capitán se oculta un hombre.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:53 AM PDT
She’s a stone cold killer, a rebel and a librarian … Raised on the library planet of Rebus, Artemis McIvor has a love of books in a future where reading is a lost art. Unfortunately, she’s also been imprisoned for a string of brutal murders she didn’t commit. Not that she hasn’t killed people. She just didn’t kill these people. A war is coming and Artemis will find that her talents will be in high demand. But she has debts.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:52 AM PDT
A fitting tribute to a literary legend and a profoundly humane humorist, Armageddon in Retrospect is a collection of twelve previously unpublished writings on war and peace. Imbued with Vonnegut’s trademark rueful humor and outraged moral sense, the pieces range from a letter written by Vonnegut to his family in 1945, informing them that he’d been taken prisoner by the Germans, to his last speech, delivered after his death by his son Mark, who provides a warmly personal introduction to.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:51 AM PDT
Early summer brings plenty of work for baker Hannah Swensen, even before Mayor Bascomb’s wife drops by The Cookie Jar to place an order for her charity event. . .for eleven-hundred cookies! And Hannah almost flips when her business partner, Lisa, suggests setting up an apple turnover stand. But she places her faith in Lisa and agrees to be a magician’s assistant in the fundraiser’s talent show. . . The only snag is the show’s host, college professor Bradford Ramsey..

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:49 AM PDT
In the mid-1920s, young children began to vanish from neighborhoods around New York City. It took the police a decade to find their abductor, an unassuming 64-year-old handyman named Albert Fish. Fish had committed crimes of unspeakable horror: He had not only abducted and murdered the children, but also tortured and, in some cases, eaten them. During Fish’s trial, some of the country’s most prominent psychiatrists debated the exact nature of Fish’s crimes. Was he evil or insane? Who had.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:17 AM PDT
Jack Taggart is an undercover Mountie whose quest for justice takes him from the sunny, tourist-laden beaches of Cuba to the ghettos of Hanoi. His targets deal in human flesh, smuggling unwitting victims for the sex trade. In a story fraught with raw emotion, Jack finds his partner accusing him of carrying out a personal vendetta, until he reveals the secret driving him forward. This is the world of the undercover operative: a world of lies, treachery, and deception. A.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:16 AM PDT
When fear becomes a weapon…When a few good men go bad…America will be consumed by the fire that burns within.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:11 AM PDT
By now David Birkenhead has all but defeated the Boyen Emperor, whose strength is but a shadow of what it was before the Battle of Wilkes Prime. His fleet has been shattered and with it his dreams of conquest. Yet the Emperor and his court fight desperately on, and the price of invading Imperious Prime remains too terrible to contemplate. Is there another, less-bloody way of ending the war besides invasion? And if so… …what will it cost David personally?.

Posted: 09 Apr 2017 08:10 AM PDT
Jack’s life and career are on the line in a gritty return to the dark Vancouver underworld of Loose Ends. RCMP detective Jack Taggart has avenged the murders of his niece and nephew, but the consequences linger. His deal with Damien, leader of the “Satans Wrath” motorcycle gang, has put him in a bind and jeopardized an informant in the gang. Meanwhile, other gang members led by a mysterious figure known only as “The Boss” have been working to eliminate.

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