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La Nostalgia del Pasado




Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta A-0001 Libros en Inglés en ePub. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta A-0001 Libros en Inglés en ePub. Mostrar todas las entradas

15 de febrero de 2022

Novedades Literarias en ePub en Inglés


Slow River – Nicola Griffith

Posted: 14 Feb 2022 12:20 PM PST

She awoke in an alley to the splash of rain. She was naked, a foot-long gash in her back was still bleeding, and her identity implant was gone. Lore Van Oesterling had been the daughter of one of the world’s most powerful families… and now she was nobody, and she had to hide. Then out of the rain walked Spanner, predator and thief, who took her in, cared for her wound, and taught her how to reinvent herself again and.

La entrada Slow River – Nicola Griffith apareció primero en ePubGratis - Libros en Formato ePub.