- Look for it in the guide, I think I have written it down somewhere but I don't have time to check, I'm already late. See you later dear. -
But that morning he not only looked up the plumber's number in the blessed telephone directory, he flipped through page after page, giving in to an absurd impulse.
-I didn't just stop at the L… I also called him Miriam! .-
- You did what? she asked, stunned.
-Of course I didn't make myself known, well yes but... actually I told him that it was Alejandra who was speaking and as such I dared to meet him in a candy store on Lavalle and Carlos Pellegrini.
- Laura, you are crazy, since you had the lack of common sense to date your first boyfriend, at least you would have told him who you really were! -
- Neither dreaming! I don't want problems... - Miriam's ironic look told her without words what she was already thinking -. -Okay, I'm in trouble, although he didn't suspect anything, he even seemed to really like it that it was Alejandra who invited him. '
-From what I see he accepted-.
- Why wouldn't I? After all, he always felt attracted to her.
- What time is he expecting you? -
-I never said I would go... -resolutely she got out of bed to face the mirror on the dresser.
"No... it's true, but we both know you're going," Miriam challenged as she approached her from behind. For a few moments they held their gaze in the mirror, finally Laura gave up with a smile.
And there he was, at six o'clock, only he couldn't win the battle against the fear that seemed to run down his back in the form of cold sweat. After thinking about it, it seemed to him that the only way to deal with it was to fake a chance encounter. There was no reason for him to suspect her. Besides, if he didn't recognize her on the phone, it might be that he didn't recognize her in person either. Twenty years had passed, and time had left traces of its passage through Laura's life.
On the other hand, he... I couldn't say that he was the same, in no way! If at nineteen he was attractive, now he was irresistible. The only thing that denoted his years were those distinguished gray hairs that silvered his temples. "Even the furrows that adorned his face here and there looked good on him," he said to himself as he moved between the tables. She walked past him and sat diagonally across from him. With sweaty hands she took the menu ready to ignore Roberto, that inconsiderate man who didn't seem to remember her.
- Laura? -a voice came to her that had traveled in time to stop on this unusual Friday in 1998. Slowly her pupils began their ascent, crossing that impeccable blue suit, until they found themselves face to face with her past.
- Robert? -she managed to ask with feigned surprise.
"The same," he answered with a smile.
- But what a coincidence! What are you doing here? -
-Waiting for a person-.
-Oh, then I imagine you won't be able to accompany me, I was about to order a… -
- Gain on the rocks? - Laura nodded, evidently pleased by that memory. -And yes, I can accompany you because it is obvious that my date will no longer come.
-In that case... -he pointed to the chair in front of his.
-Laura… -Roberto sighed. -It seems incredible to have found you after so many years. When you moved I lost track of you; although I confess that I forced myself to do it because... well... I could never have been your friend, not after what we had. -Laura couldn't help the pinkness of her cheeks.
-Sorry... did I make you uncomfortable? she-she hastened to apologize. The timely appearance of her waiter managed to get her out of trouble.
"Gancia on the rocks..." he ordered, after a suggestive pause he added. -…for two. -
- And... How are things going? "She," she asked just to avoid thinking about Roberto's disturbing look and what she was making him feel.
-Very well, I graduated as an architect and I am lucky to be one of the few lucky ones who do not have to drive a taxi to survive.-
-Then you could... -
-Yes, I built it, as white and perfect as I once dreamed of. What's more, I live in it. -
- Oh Rober, I'm so happy! "She" she exclaimed excitedly as her hand followed that ancient path towards his almost without realizing it.
He seemed to notice the detail at the same time as her and that was why he was able to prevent her prudent retreat.
You are happy? -He shot her suddenly, grabbing Laura's hand in his.
"From time to time... like everyone else," she answered moved.
And one by one the memories fell on the table, accompanied by a Gancia full of nostalgia, of litany, of what could have been...
- Oops! How time passed... I have to go- Laura said looking at her watch.
- Will you call me again? -Roberto asked when he saw her stand up resolutely.
-I don't know...-Suddenly Roberto's question made its way into his dull brain.-Wait a minute, I didn't call you.:, -
- Of course! -she stated with a hint; of smile on the lips. But seeing that she was determined to argue the point, she added: -I know for sure, because Alejandra... is the witch I married. -
1995 Paya Frank @ Blogger